Find out Who Views your Facebook Profile maximum times
Facebook is one of the Professional and excellent social Networking site where you can interact with friends and Professionals.
Have you ever think of knowing the Person who viewed your profile. Have you ever wondered to know who views your profile many times whether it may be the person who likes you most or any other person who shows much interest on you?
Steps to find out who viewed your fb profile maximum times
1.Should have a Web browser
You may choose any browser i.e., Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox or any other which should supports to provide a source code of a website.

2.Open your Facebook account and navigate to your Profile
You need to open the and login to your account and you must navigate to your Facebook profile/Timeline like
3.View the source code
In Google Chrome ,just right click on the Webpage and select view page source.
For other browsers View page source code will be present under View tab.After words it will show a code in next Webpage.

4.Use the search Box:CTRL + F
Afterword�s you need to perform Search operation to the existing Webpage by shortcut Ctrl+F if you don�t find Search option.
You have a command Control/command + F to open search box.
You have to type "Friendslist" or "Initialchatfriendslist(to whom you chat most)" in the search box.

5.Look at the Individual profiles using user Id�s
5.Look at the Individual profiles using user Id�s
The numbers which are existed are the identification number of user profile.You will list out out different set of strings.Each string is quoted with number and followed by -2 and -3.copy the string without the -2 and -3 and � �.paste the number after the . It will show the profile of a person who views your profile most.

6.Look for a specific person
6.Look for a specific person
If you want to point a single person whether the person has viewed your profile or not. It�s difficult
Because you must have a user id .To know the User ID of a person.
Just check the URL of the person uploaded photo.You will see the list of strings among all one of the Number is the user ID and search the ID in the Source Code. It will show you the list of friends based on priority who viewed your profile.

Don�t believe any software�s to know the profile viewer. It is Scam to earn money for them(More the downloads the more the money).
Don�t believe the apps for Facebook profile viewers. These apps are created by mostly students to steal the username and passwords of Facebook accounts.
Thanks for reading and please share your experience through comments.