FlightSimLabs and FsDreamteam product V 1 2 FSX P3D
This is a Crack For All FlightSimLabs and FSdreamTeam Product for FSX and P3D.
Dont forget to say "thank you" because it is a lot for work.
----------------------------- Change Log ------------------------------------ -- ADDED the support of the Concorde X for FSX and the A320X for FSX and P3D. -- The floating people in GSX have been fixed. ---------------------------- Installation For FLIGHTSIMLABS -------------------- -- Just fallow the instruction in Readme file for installation. -- Copy the loader in "Loader v 1.2" to your simulator root directory. -- Run the simulation with the loader. ---------------------------- Installation for FSDREAMTEAM product ----------- --- Install all scenery you want From this torrent or from --- DO NOT DOWNLOAD SCENERY FROM FSDREAMTEAM WEB SITE it will screw up all your fsdreamteam installed product. --- PLEASE if you have the older version (before february update) scenery of fsdreamteam or flightbeam please upload it in comment. --- CUT OFF CONNEXION DURING INSTALL DURING ALL INSTALLATION PROCESS DO NOT LET IT DOWNLOAD THE LATEST ADDON MANAGER NOR THE AFCAD. --- Copy the content of "Bglmanx and couatl" folder to your simulator root directory. --- Copy the Loader to your simulator root directory. --- Start the simulator with the loader. --------------------------------How it work----------------------------------- CASE 1 -- the loader will check if bglmanx.dll is in the simulator root directory if so he will wait for it to start and patch it. -- the loader will patch couatl.exe (in some rare case couatl.exe would crash so you have to stop every things and start again). -- the loader will minimize it self and if he detect that you selected concorde x or FSL a320 he will patch it. CASE 2 -- if the loader did not found bglmanx it will tel you that the addon manager for FSDT product is not installed. -- the loader will minimize it self and if it detect that you selected concorde x or FSL a320 it will patch it. ------------------------------- some points------------------------- -- Please avoid to have "bglmanx.dll" in the simulator root directory and not have it declared in the DLL.xml file because it will flood the loader. -- As you would have understood you can use this loader for FSDT product ONLY or for FLIGHTSIMLABS product ONLY or for Both in the same time. --The Concorde X for FSX is INCOMPATIBLE with A320X for FSX so install one of them BUT NOT BOTH (this is not related to my crack)it have been fixed but i dont have the latest installer. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- If it does not work for you I can not do anything for you