Tuesday, March 6, 2018

File Scavenger

File Scavenger

File Scavenger
 File Scavenger is a tool for recovering data in NTFS partitions using Windows systems. File Scavenger lets you recover files that have been deleted from the recycle bin permanently as well as files that have been lost due to the harmful activity of .........

Application Description
File Scavenger is a tool for recovering data in NTFS partitions using Windows systems. File Scavenger lets you recover files that have been deleted from the recycle bin permanently as well as files that have been lost due to the harmful activity of some virus, a software or system failure and even files that have been lost after voluntarily formatting a partition.

File Scavenger works easily and can be used both by amateurs and professionals with its clean, intuitive and detailed interface. File Scavenger can also recover files from a reformatted or corrupted volume even when the volume has been deleted and its original position and size are unknown. File Scavenger can scan an entire physical hard drive to look for traces of defunct volumes.

File Scavenger uses advanced algorithms to handle disks with bad sectors and badly corrupted partitions. It can be installed on a hard drive or run from a portable storage device such as a memory card, removable drive, or CD. To run File Scavenger, you must log on as a system administrator to the computer where data recovery is intended.

visit link download