Thursday, March 8, 2018

Fix breaking out overlapping of Images on Sidebar on bloggers Blog posts pages

Fix breaking out overlapping of Images on Sidebar on bloggers Blog posts pages

In some blogs there is a problem with post images i-e they are overlapping on sidebar which is not good for any blogger user. I have also faced this badness. But fortunately, i found an hack to limit the size of images on blog posts to not be shown as broken or overlapping on sidebar. i decided to post it on my blog. This hack is very simple and easy.
To done this hack, just do the following...

Procedure to fix images on blog posts:

Step 1: Go to blogger>template>customize>advance> Add CSS.
Step 2: Add following code in CSS section and then click on Apply on blog.
.post img {max-width:98% !important}
You can also go to template>edit html and then, paste this code before ]]></b:skin>

That,s it. Now, you have fixed up your blog post images. This was a simple hack but very very helpful. Thanks for visiting.

visit link download