Flash Player 15 0 0 189 For Internet Explorer Google Chrome Mozilla Firefox Offline

Adobe Flash Player aplikasi yang gunanya untuk memainkan video di browser seperti di situs YUOTUBE.com atau pun situs video lainnya di Browser, supports beberapa data formats termasuk AMF, SWF, XML and JSON. MP3, FLV, JPEG, GIF, PNG and RTMP. tanpa adobe flash player anda tidah bisa membuka video di browser.
Features :
- High-quality, Low bandwidth video with advanced compression technology and multi-threaded video decoding.
- Crisp artistic text, utilising an advanced text rendering engine.
- Stage 3D accelerated graphics rendering.
- Engaging Flash video, content and applications with full screen mode.
- Real-time dynamic effects consisting of numerous filters for Bevel, Glow, DropShadow, Blur, Displacement Map, Color Matrix, Convolution, Gradient Glow and Gradient Bevel.
- Blend modes, stroke enhancement and radial gradient.

Flash Player For Internet Explorer (15 MB)
Flash Player For Google Chrome Mozilla Firefox (17 MB)