Friday, March 16, 2018

Flipfont for nokia symbian phone with 100 fonts

Flipfont for nokia symbian phone with 100 fonts

Flipfont is a popular application for symbian phone. It is used to change the default font style in symbian phone Actually flipfont is a free ware application. But it has a limitation. There is only three fonts and those fonts works only two or three days. After the expire the default will select automatically. So i am providing the registered version with more than 100 plus stylish fonts. All these fonts are different in style and beautiful in look. Your phone will completely different and you will obviously like this application. There is no any registration problem at all. . Now i will show you that how to install Flipfont and change your font style in your nokia phone. Just follow my instructions. 

Files need to be downloaded:-
1. Flipfont Apps
2. Fontspack
Password:- jabadbd24

1. Download flipfont and install in your symbian phone
2. Then download the fontpack
3. After that extact the fontpack
4. Copy all file from fontpack folder and paste them into C:/Flipfont folder
5. Now open flipfont software
6. The click on Get Started
7. After that you will see a font list select any one
8. Then select Use this font and restart your phone
9. After restart your phone you will see the selected font
10. Now use and enjoy

Finally, Problem solved!
Now you can install Flipfont and change your font style in your nokia phone!
If there any problem, then do not hesitate to contact us.

visit link download