Friday, April 6, 2018

Find your Nokia Mobile security code using NSS

Find your Nokia Mobile security code using NSS

Get ur security code/lock code using NSS

Tools Required :

* Nemesis Service suite (NSS) NSS download link
* Nokia PC Suite Nokia PC Suite download link
* Data cable


Follow these Steps :

1. Connect your phone in PC Suite mode(DONT OPEN PC SUITE)
2. Open Nemesis Service suite (NSS)

3. Then click on scan for new devices button (top right hand side)

4. Click on phone info button.
5. Now Click on Scan.
6. Select Permanent Memory.
7. Click on Read.
8. It will read the permanent memory file and save it on the disk at following path.

9. If file doesnt appear select Compatibility files option. (VISTA)

10. Open the .pm file using Notepad.
11. Now Press Ctrl+F and type [308] and press Enter.

12. Now again press Ctrl+F and type "5=" and Enter.
13.Your code is HERE.Like 5=38323734373738360000
14. Remove all "3" digit and zeros and it will be 82747786.
15. 82747786 is the security code.///
If this helped you then leave your comments.

visit link download