Flight Sim Labs Airbus A320X FSX P3D
The FSLabs A320 includes an entirely custom animated external model, a complete 2D panel set and a fully immersive 3D virtual cockpit, allowing the flight simulator pilot an in-depth experience of this very popular aircraft.
Additional features for the FSLabs A320 include a robust Flight Management and Guidance System (FMGS) with proper SID/STAR tracking; lateral and vertical flight management which follows the ARINC 424-19 specification in full detail; the entire range of aircraft systems; and the complete custom Fly-By-Wire implementation featured in the actual aircraft. The FSLabs A320 is the pinnacle of simulation fidelity in add-on aircraft for Microsoft FSX and reaches a broad market ranging from the beginner in glass cockpit airliners to the simulation expert who wishes to enjoy a virtual environment that is unparalleled in the desktop simulation world.
- You will need Flight Simulator X SP2, Acceleration or Steam to install this product, which should run with administrator privileges.
*Note: Just open the torrent and choice the Flightsimlabs A320 FOR FSX and P3D.
How to Install:
-- Just fallow the instruction in Readme file for installation.
-- Copy the loader in "Loader v 1.2" to your simulator root directory.
-- Run the simulation with the loader.