Folder 2 Iso To Make A Iso File

Folder2Iso is a very simple yet useful application that creates an ISO file out of any folder on your computer.
The program may come in very handy for users who wish to burn movies or other files on their computers with ease, using just a separate tool thats able to burn ISO files on CDs and DVDs.
Folder2Iso impresses thanks to its simplicity. Although most users expect a rather complicated approach, with tons of features that could make the whole procedure a lot more difficult, everythings pretty simple.
The interface is minimal and even if it doesnt include a help file, it takes just a few minutes to figure out how to use the program.
Users are prompted to select the folder they wish to convert into an ISO file and select the output location, which means they need to provide the directory for saving the result.
In addition, users are required to provide the label of the ISO and choose the Charset, which is the only thing that may get you in trouble when using Folder2Iso.
If youre not sure which one to choose, its recommended to click on the question mark next to the Charset dropdown menu and read the provided information; this way you can select the best option for you.
After that, just hit the �Generate ISO� button and wait. Usually, Folder2Iso gets the job done in just a few seconds, but this also depends on the overall size of the folder and the number of included files. Still, the computer isnt stressed up at all and everything works like a charm.
All of the above lead us to a very simple conclusion: if you need a tool to convert a folder into an ISO image, make sure to put Folder2Iso on top of the list.