Monday, April 16, 2018

Folder Lock Version 7 8 6 With serial number and key

Folder Lock Version 7 8 6 With serial number and key

Folder Lock protect your files, folders and drives. You can lock and hide any file, folder and drive. Folder lock protect your file from hacking. Its powerful security no one can find or stole your private documents.Its very easy to use just some simple click to lock and unlock files, folders, documents, drives, pictures, videos, etc.
I will give you this paid software free.


1. Lock Folders- also lock folder, drive, image, video, audio.

2. Encrypt Files- To keep your files and folders encrypted in it.

3. Secure Backup- Backup your important file.

4. Protect USB.

5. Password wallets- To save your private information in encrypted cards.

6. Share Files- To choose files, folders and drives you want to share.

7. Clean History- Clean windows history for better performance.

How to active:

1. First download and  install Folder Lock software.

2. On your folder lock software given master password.

3. Open serial key and go to Support then click Registered.

4. Given your Serial Number and Registration Key.

Its active successfully.


" Folder Lock Version 7.6.8 Setup " (10 MB) 

" Alternative Downloads With Key "(9.7 MB)

" Serial Number And Registration Key " (1 KB )

visit link download